zaterdag 16 januari 2010

Baby's first bites.
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6 opmerkingen:

  1. Lovely picture. I have enjoyed seeing you family through the month.

  2. Oh the cuteness. I remember Joshua's first nomnoms. Does he get carrots?

    Wait until he starts playing with the food! But then, you already know what is coming,r ight? :D

  3. Such interesting pics of the family. I have twin great-grandchildren and at meal-times, they make a huge mess. But that's all part of the joy of having them.

  4. A lovely shot this, such a lot of atmosphere.

  5. This is just soooooooooooo cute :-) and the composition is just right.

  6. My novel of memories this one evoked is lost in space.
    Nice touch using a blue spoon with the orange diner.
